Monday 14 December 2015

Jason Klabal – Three Things You Should Know About Children With Autism

Jason Klabal's two siblings are both autistic and he has spent his entire life helping them and everyone else around them that they possess incredible strengths and qualities. His brother and sister are his inspiration in life and Jason Klabal works to be the best person he can be for them. Here are three things that you need to know about children with autism.

·         First and foremost, children with autism are not autistic; they are children and wish to be viewed as such. Autism is simply a part of who they are, but it is not what defines them. Like all children, they are developing into the person that they will be and like all other children, they do not yet know what they are capable of.

·         The senses of children with autism are out of sync, which often means that specific tastes, sounds, smells, and touches are painful and create a hostile environment. Children with autism sometimes have a hyper-acute sense of hearing, highly sensitive sense of smell, and extra sensitivity to light. Children with autism may seem belligerent in a normal setting, but the reality is that they are defending themselves against an environment that is painful to them.

·         There is a common misconception that children with autism choose not to follow instructions when they reality is they do not understand certain instructions. It is not helpful to call out from across the room to an autistic child. They need more one on one contact and conversation and instructions that are clear and direct.

Jason Klabal is very active in working with organizations such as Autism Speak.

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Thursday 10 December 2015

Jason Klabal – Three Ways That Anybody Can Benefit From Yoga

Jason Klabal works out an almost daily rate because he puts a premium on his physical and mental health. Leading a healthy lifestyle is important to him because it allows him to be a more active member of his family and perform at a high level at his high pace and stressful job as a stockbroker. Yoga is one of his favorite exercises to partake in because he finds that it benefits him both physically and mentally. Here are three ways that anybody can benefit from yoga.

·         Yoga is beneficial for one's professional life. Yoga is known to inspire creativity and ideas because it is such a relaxing exercise that focuses on breathing and clearing one's mind. This allows people to make better decisions at work, develop good work relationships, and increase productivity.

·         Yoga reduces stress levels and allows people to relax in an efficient and meaningful manner. This is good for a person’s personal life and ability to function throughout the day. Like how yoga benefits a person’s professional life, yoga also helps people relax, thus allowing them to be more productive throughout the day and make better personal decisions.

·         According to a study by the Annals of Internal Medicine, people who suffer from chronic lower back pain find that after a few months of partaking in yoga classes, they experience better functionality in their back. Some of the exercises in yoga requires a person to stretch their spine which increases spine flexibility.

Jason Klabal enjoys yoga because he feels the physical and mental health benefits from partaking in yoga.

Visit Jason Klabal Vimeo to know more about him 

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Jason Klabal – Three Ways to Sustain a Healthy Lifestyle

Jason Klabal leads a healthy lifestyle for two reasons; first and foremost, his family, and secondly for his profession. He has a wife and two children, all three mean the world to him and leading a healthy lifestyle means he can be there for them. He is a stockbroker who works in a fast-paced and stressful environment. Managing his health is imperative to his ability to perform his job at a high level. Here are three ways to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

·         Employment plays a significant role in a person's ability to lead a healthy lifestyle. If a person enjoys what they do they will find that their confidence is boosted, they have good self-esteem, and they will find that they are more motivated. The opposite is true of people who do not enjoy their jobs. They are more likely to suffer from high-stress levels, burnout, and constant exhaustion.
·         Maintaining your physical and mental health is important towards leading a healthy lifestyle. Exercising regularly and getting annual check-ups at the doctor’s office is important for a person’s physical health. It is important to monitor any symptoms of mental health problems. A person should seek immediate help if they believe they are suffering from a mental health issue.
·         According to a study by the London School of Economics, people who volunteer regularly are more likely to be happier. Their study showed that those who volunteered monthly saw their happiness levels rise by 7%, and those who volunteered every two to four weeks saw their happiness levels rise by 12%. Weekly volunteers saw their levels rise by 16%.
Jason Klabal puts an emphasis on leading a healthy lifestyle. It allows him to be there for his family and perform his job at a high level.

Visit Jason Klabal Profile to know more about him